About Me

I am a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist® and although I'm not able to share their program online, I am able to assist you with your grief and any loss.  I have taken safeTALK training and attended many training webinars, make it a priority to read and stay current with safe and responsible coverage of the topic of suicide and mental illness, new treatments/therapies and medical breakthroughs.

I am bereaved by suicide, having lost my husband Rob to suicide in December 2000.  Several years ago, I became a very passionate educator and advocate for suicide prevention and mental illness, wanting to help others on similar journeys learn to heal, resolve and recover from their losses.  I have a gift for support and would love to be able to support you in living a healthier, happier life - and yes! it IS possible!

Personalized support is for anyone who has had suicide enter their lives and also for those living with mental illness which so often go hand in hand with suicide, needing one on one support. Please note that while I am well-versed in suicide prevention and mental illness, I am not a licensed medical or mental health professional and cannot provide medical advice.

I created my Facebook fanpage “Suicide Shatters” in September 2011 and have created a supportive community of over 150,000 members comprised of those bereaved by suicide, those struggling with suicidal thoughts, attempt survivors as well as those living with mental illness. I have accumulated a great many resources along the way and will share many of those with you.  Some are very specific to individual needs and those can be given during our support session or researched for you specifically for your session(s).

I look forward to supporting you to help you on your journey toward the life you deserve to live. ~ Barb Hildebrand


Please note there is also a Donate button for those who may wish to make a donation without setting up a support session. I do what I do because I'm passionate about educating and advocating on suicide prevention and mental illness to help dispel the stigma.  Stigma is always due to lack of knowledge and learned beliefs. Stigma kills - it stops those in need of help from coming forward for the help they need and deserve.

I have done what you see on my Suicide Shatters page for 5+ years now and for approximately 2 years prior to that on my personal Facebook profile so am well versed and able to support those on my page. The message needs to get out that with proper treatment and support, suicide can most often be prevented. We can do that by educating and talking openly about the topics of suicide and mental illness to help reduce the misinformation and taboo that still surrounds both issues today. Talking about it saves lives!